Efficient recording systems can play a critical role for maintaining situational awareness when you are dealing with a complex system such as avalanche safety. Long-term datasets are also required to highlight patterns and trends, which are critical for developing effective prevention initiatives that address existing weaknesses in risk management.

Because there are so many factors affecting avalanche risk, combining observations into an informative assessment is not always straight forward. Evidence-based decision aids can be tremendously helpful as they provide guidance on what to observe and how to put it together to a decision.

Research projects

Current projects

  • HeliCat Canada Incident and Near Miss Database

    Comprehensively capturing the risks involved in mechanized skiing


    Short description to follow

    Primary researcher

    Pascal Haegeli

    Relevant publications


    Industrial partner

    HeliCat Canada


    HeliCat Canada

  • High-resolution tracking of ski guides

    Capturing avalanche risk management in the backcountry at all scales


    Providing backcountry users with better guidance on how to use terrain to manage their avalanche risk is at least as important as improving their ability to assess the hazard. High-resolution GPS tracking has created new opportunities for monitoring the terrain choices of mountain guides to better understand and learn from their risk management process. Since the winter 2014/15, we have been collaborating with numerous mechnized backcountry skiing operations on this topic and we have collected GPS tracks of more than 30,000 ski runs so far. We have also developed an online viewer where participating operations can view and explore their own tracks.

    We believe that this dataset has tremendous potential for developing tools that can help improve avalanche safety in the future, both for professional operations and recreationists. If your operation is interested in participating in this research, please contact Pascal Haegeli at pascal_haegeli@sfu.ca.

    Primary researcher

    Pascal Haegeli

    Related publications

    In preparation

    Industry partners

    Canadian Mountain Holidays
    Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing
    Monashee Powder Snowcats
    Northern Escape Helicopter Skiing
    Selkirk Tangiers Helicopter Skiing
    Whistler Heliskiing

    Academic partners

    Dr. Reto Rupf (Zurich University for Applied Sciences)


    University Research Chair in Avalanche Risk Management

Relevant past projects

  • InfoEx 3.0

    Advancing the data recording and analysis capabilities of the Canadian avalanche community.


    The Canadian Avalanche Association’s Industry Information Exchange (InfoEx) is a daily exchange of technical snow, weather, avalanche and terrain information among subscribers from all types of avalanche safety operations in Canada. In addition to providing a platform for a candid and timely exchange of observations and assessments to enhance the decision-making context for subscribers, InfoEx is also a data
    cornerstone for the production of public avalanche bulletins by Avalanche Canada.

    Historically, InfoEx consisted of daily static, multi-page text reports, initially distributed by fax, later by email and an online portal. Increased information volume and subscriber growth, however, made the text format increasingly inefficient and cumbersome as a risk management tool in a time-pressured environment. The objective of this project was to completely redesign InfoEx’s infrastructure
    and turn it into an explicit geospatial data system.

    Primary researcher

    Pascal Haegeli

    Related publications

    Haegeli et al (2014) InfoEx 3.0 – Advancing the data analysis capabilities of Canada’s diverse avalanche community. Proceedings of the 2014 International Snow Science Workshop in Banff, AB.



    Industrial partner

    Canadian Avalanche Association
    TecTerra Inc.


    TecTerra Inc.

  • Avaluator 2.0

    Decision aid for backcountry recreationists


    The Avaluator is a decision aid that introduced recreational backcountry users to the basic principles of avalanche risk management by providing a general guidance on what observations to pay attention to and how to put them together to make informed decisions when planning for and during backcountry trips in avalanche terrain. The goal of the Avaluator was the capture the expertise of the professional community and make it more easily accessible to the wider recreational community. The goal was not to tell people what to do, but rather to make sure they know what they are getting themselves into.

    Primary researcher

    Pascal Haegeli

    Related publication

    Haegeli (2010) Avaluator 2.0 Avalanche accident prevention card. Avalanche Canada, Revelstoke BC.

    Industrial partner

    Avalanche Canada


    Avalanche Canada‘s ADFAR2 SAR-NIF grant

Recent publications

Comparing avalanche decision frameworks using accident data from the United States

Journal PaperRecording Systems & Decision Aids
Ian McCammon, Pascal Haegeli
Cold Regions Science and Technology, 47, 193-206
Publication year: 2007

Click here for a complete listing of publications on this research topic.